Monday, January 11, 2010

Dorman Auto Parts Does A New Dorman Distributor Come With A Module And Pickup Assembly?

Does a new Dorman distributor come with a module and pickup assembly? - dorman auto parts

I look forward to the advance auto web site and to see a vendor (No. 690-900) and not "W / O modules, as well as others, but I do not know whether you or not. This is a new distributor cap, and comes with rotor are fed with a collection? Thanks.


GearHead... said...

The 690-900 is 96 + for a 4.3L engine. This engine has an ignition module or pick-up coil in the distributor as the oldest POST dealer.

However, the dealer has a cam sensor in it, with only one plug, 3-wire. Its size is to assist in the ignition coil and a conductor coil. The reason is that 96 is included a real "crank sensor" to 4.3 on the old pick-up Hall Effect-coil system that was outdated and difficult to remove.

Remember, the variation of the camera after installing the distributor or a control check engine light is emphasized. The only way to change the cam is read by an analysis tool, and is adjusted by turning the distribution. To prepare the basis of traders in its vicinity. The scale is set by turning the distributor on this engine, change the rotation of the distributor, the only change in the project, and if it is + / - 3 degrees, the light check engine light and a P0340 (or 1340) code .

Kenny said...

Then you should be with the truck, cap and rotor, but not the module.

If dist $ 95 sold and cost $ 90 new module, I do not think they'll be in business too long.

Kenny said...

Then you should be with the truck, cap and rotor, but not the module.

If dist $ 95 sold and cost $ 90 new module, I do not think they'll be in business too long.

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