Getting Better Results From Job Search Web Sites? - stuck in my eye web md
I try to find work with medical records or a file or something. When I search on sites like, I get a result as "elevator diver" Thousands of miles away. Can someone tell me how to achieve better results? I could not be better than the finger in the Yellow Pages with your eyes closed!
It is necessary to reduce the search boxes to. Are Monster and CareerBuilder, which have "Advanced Search" - but I think that CareerBuilder is easier to use BCZ all results will be displayed - select criteria Monster individually, research, and then click again to take more time and can uncomfortable if they are waiting for screens to change ..
So try this to CareerBuilder:
On the home page and enter your zip code and search for success. If the results are displayed, go to Advanced Search and select all the options available to you are important - things like the number of days of research that shows (24 hours to 30 days, I believe), the radius of one kilometers entered zip code, education, regional employment, etc. It is very complete. We also declare that the work will not be displayed, so if you are not at all interested in everything that can use the restaurants, you will enter in the appropriate field and filtered. Be aware not too many restrictions on the title in your quest, you will clearly put a lot of options that may be of interestThem. After seeing all this search and press that your research is greatly reduced.
Give it a go and good luck.
Good luck
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