Question about Cardiac Bypass Surgery? - cardiac bypass surgery
We know that coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) as a vascular graft from another part to redirect blood flow. Why not simply remove clogging particles, which the ship? Sorry if this is a silly question: l
It is a stupid question at all. You can also place a stent in an artery to an obstacle, if the disability does not completely remove filled with the artery (because the risk of implementing a hole in the artery, and you can not see light or a clear internal opening) is the obstruction is relatively short (an obstacle long stent is difficult) and the artery is large enough for a stent (less than 1.5 mm. or is something impossible, "Just get the cable).
If you are the artery along the boat is clean, but it's hard to do without damage to the lining of the artery in these small vessels (usually less than 3 mm.) The inner diameter, and you have a backup sew, and the seams are new within the disability.
To circumvent the blockade.
If the arteries of remote sick, too weak to ensure that you only use drugs.
Probably because it reduces to a weakening of the vessel and that would be very bad for the heart! I do not know exactly, but that would be my tip! I think if they put a stent in a vessel of such force that blood vessels a bit about the show was recommended by the question CABG. Click OK, this is conjecture, it is not my area of expertise. I'm sure you could find some if they are searching online. Good luck!
Probably because it reduces to a weakening of the vessel and that would be very bad for the heart! I do not know exactly, but that would be my tip! I think if they put a stent in a vessel of such force that blood vessels a bit about the show was recommended by the question CABG. Click OK, this is conjecture, it is not my area of expertise. I'm sure you could find some if they are searching online. Good luck!
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